Polyglot  YYC


Space is limited, please book a ticket:


Saturday May 4th (2024/05/04)
9:30 am till noon
Note: The library opens its doors at 09:00 exactly.

Where (location)

Calgary Central Library
Third floor, room "3-20A Idea Lab"
800 3 St SE


Polyglot: knowing or using several languages. This event is inspired by the Polyglot Unconference in Vancouver and a follow-up to Polyglot YYC 2018. We hope to gather 100 Calgary software developers who will leave language, platform and possibly even editor wars behind and come together for a spontaneously organized day of amazing talks, round-table discussions, panel sessions, and coding.

If you've never been to an unconference (or open-space) event before, you owe it to yourself to make it to Polyglot YYC 2024. It's an experience like no other.

Why $25 tickets? From our experience, we see a larger drop off rate for free events. Any proceeds after costs (venue, catering breakfast and lunch, security, etc.) will be reused to prepare for Polyglot 2025 or donated to a non-profit.

Who are we?

Polyglot YYC isn't the product of some faceless corporation looking to make a buck by getting you to a conference and then selling you a time-share. The organizers are all community members from around Calgary: just like you! We saw a lot of user groups for Ruby, Python, functional languages, .net, etc. but very few places where developers from different communities could get together. We hope that Polyglot YYC will be that place: a place for technologists to get together and talk about the craft.

Community Partners

Join the grassroots effort to get involved at the YYC Design & Dev Slack team in the #polyglot-calgary channel

Support Polyglot


Polyglot YYC is made possible by our generous sponsors. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities please contact us at on the Slack channel (reach out to Matt Frey or Yves Dorfsman).


Open-space unconferences are spontaneously scheduled and 100% attendee-driven. Sessions will be proposed, selected, and organized at the opening of the conference. We also encourage attendees to suggest and discuss ideas in advance.

Talks can be on any topic that is even vaguely related to technology. It can be on a hard technical topic or on a soft topic like "Having Empathy". They should be between 30 and 45 minutes long. We'll have projectors and a bunch of adaptors, just bring a laptop if you want to use them. Sessions aren't limited to talks—here are some unconference session ideas. The organizers have the right to decline any topics that are not relevant or that are potentially inappropriate.

Some of the talks we've seen mentioned are:

  • Version control with git
  • SOLID principles
  • Tor
  • Event based programming
  • boost::asio
  • py.test
  • Design for Developers
  • Kubernetes
  • Deploying websites to Azure
  • Getting started with messaging
  • The new, open Microsoft
  • Continuous deployment: a primer
  • Intro to TypeScript


Coming Soon!

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Polyglot YYC couldn't happen without wonderful volunteers. If you're interested in helping out and or volunteering please get in touch with us at on the Slack channel, #polyglot-calgary channel.

Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at Polyglot YYC are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensuring a safe environment for everybody.

tl;dr: Be excellent with each other.Full Text